Are you a new or an aspiring author? Maybe you’ve been writing for a while, but can’t get readers or reviewers to know you even exist? It is frustrating, especially now when there are millions and I did say millions of authors on the scene. What sets you apart? Talent and originality isn’t enough. Even great book covers won’t sell your books if no one sees them.
Maybe you, like me, have spent hundreds, even thousands on book promotions, publicists, or whatever promotion trend that comes around with nothing to show for it, but an empty wallet and a handful of receipts that might not even help at tax time.
In the end, my best author advice has always come from other authors who made themselves guinea pigs for a particular plan. If something worked for them, then it could work for me. I credit Author Bridgitte Goosen with convincing me to join. Even though we are only cyber friends, she’s always been honest, helpful and friendly. Her tales of what Rave Reviews Book Club did for her convinced me.
What has Rave Reviews Book Club done for me?
· It’s widened my audience base and exposure.
· My website visits jumped from 450-600 a day to 4-6,000, which is a big deal.
· Increased Twitter traffic and followers
· Increased Facebook fans & friends
· Introduced me to other like-minded authors
· Sold books
Did you catch the last one? I’ve experienced a definite upswing in sales and am looking forward to reviews too. Did I mention that members would review your books too? It’s all good at a miniscule price. I don’t want to mention what I’ve spent to get a whole lot of nothing in previous promotion attempts because it would depress us both.
This is the real deal if you’re serious about promoting. Usually, when people say that, they go on forever before revealing an astronomical price tag. Currently, Rave Reviews is having a special sale for authors. It’s only $15 (USD) to join. This is per year.
I imagine as an author, you’ve tried things that didn’t work. I remember standing in the rain at a local Arts Friday trying to interest people in coming inside the book tent. All I got from that venture was a cold. You can enjoy the Rave Reviews Book Club from the comfort of your home by doing what comes natural to an author, reading. Even the name tells people that you as an author have something special to offer. After all, your book and name has already received Rave Reviews.
Interested? How could you not be? Join here by clicking on this link. Rave Reviews Book Club