“You startled me. It’s amazing how quiet you can move.”
Levi's lips tilted up, but not quite a smile, but as if he was considering it, but hadn’t quite made up his mind. “Amazed me too. Didn’t think I’d be able to move as quiet with the fake leg, but I’m learning to, I’m just not as fast.”
His proximity left her nerves a little jangled, not to mention that his nearness made other parts of her kick into automatic overdrive. Not a viable candidate might as well calm down. Too bad, her body wasn’t listening to her brain. She inhaled deeply wondering how she was going to get by the sizable man in her way. She stepped to her right intending to go around him, but his hand landed on her shoulder stopping her.
Children’s voices drifted through the screen door as she found herself caught in Levi’s intense gaze. His sharp, alert eyes missed very little. His continued existence bore witness to the fact. Part of her heard a child shout Ready or Not. A bead of sweat rolled down her neck and slipped under her shirt.
Melody found herself drowning in his gaze. It reminded her of the time she almost fell into the river. A stranger grabbed her arm before she hit water.
Her heart pounded hard making its presence known. Would he kiss her again? Her tongue slipped out licking her lips in anticipation. It would be a bad thing and would make things more complicated. Instead, her mind spun a fantasy affair where the two engaged in a torrid romance all in the span it took for his words to coalesce in the air.
“I’m not Roy. Not some sick, old man on the edge of kicking off. Don’t let the lack of a leg fool you. I don’t need you taking care of me or feeling sorry for me.” His hand dropped as he pivoted and headed for his room.