His lips were almost on hers. Then it happened, a sudden halt to the romantic proceedings due to her half whispered words. “Why don’t people go to the police when they are being blackmailed? You never explained.” Damn multi-tasking brain.
The lips that were millimeters from touching hers pulled back. Instead of kissing her, Will dropped the arm that was embracing her and leaned back against her car with a sigh. “Why are you so intent on knowing about blackmail? Are you writing a mystery?”
It sounded like a good excuse and an easy way to explain why she needed the information. “That’s it. Could you help me?”
His hand shot through his hair, then rubbed his neck. “Okay, I’ll help. I actually know something about blackmail. You’d be surprised how many people who once professed to love and honor the other will resort to blackmail. Sometimes it’s to get something such as a shared possession or even the kids. “
This wasn’t something she'd considered. Were people dissatisfied in love always out to make the other pay? If so, it made the idea of romance a very scary prospect. Yeah, like she hadn’t figured that out already. “What do they use to blackmail each other?”
Will slapped the car lightly with one hand. “Often one is engaged in an affair, the cheating one makes concessions to keep his current squeeze out of the limelight. Maybe one of the partners participated in some unethical business practice. The criminal activity needs to stay hidden. Threats to make plastic surgery or the true parentage of their children public is used as fodder for blackmail.”
“Do they go to the police about this?” Would the police even caring about such things?