Today's Tuesday Tale
A few hard pulls on the oars sent him in the direction of the small wooded island. It wasn’t much really, just enough trees to hide a boy. His sanctuary looked small and sparse close up. He’d imagine Roy could have spotted him through the skinny tree trunks. No wonder the man never asked where he’d been.
A few buildings dotted the shore he wondered, which one his mystery woman lived in. As well as he could remember, most of the residents were old. She might be visiting. Why was he bothering to think of her? She’d made her opinion clear. His masculine instinct made him aware of attractive single females in his vicinity. A quick glance at her left hand confirmed she sported no wedding band. Her eyes flared with awareness when he turned. No mistaking it, and yet her interest cooled suddenly, which made no sense.
He replayed the meeting in his head. Perhaps, he was too forward asking her to go for a boat ride. She didn’t know him, which explained her hesitation and questionable excuse. That was it. Once he got settled in the house, he might meet her again around the lake. A snort escaped him as he realized what he was doing. Planning an impromptu meeting that would somehow lead to a happily ever after. Yeah, right.
No woman had much use for a man who was only a partial man. A fellow patient at the rehab center told him that women were crazy about wounded warriors as the center referred to their patients. Women felt like it was their patriotic duty to welcome them home. His roommate expected a heartier welcome than he did. Even if Levi’s lack of welcome was a forgone conclusion, it didn’t mean he liked it.