He is also looking for a time capsule he buried as a boy.
Time to get back he couldn’t miss the meeting with his lawyer, especially since he had an interloper to eject. His eyes focused on the ground to prevent stumbling over a tree root again. Off to his left, he spotted a half circle of stones under a scraggly evergreen branch. That was it. He knew it on an instinctual level. It would only take a few seconds to uncover his childhood treasure.
Looking about, he found a broken limb to employ as a digging tool. If the can were there, it wouldn’t be too far down. The day Roy rowed him out to the island to bury his capsule was early on in their relationship. He didn’t know his taciturn relative that well. Levi believed his uncle’s lack of chatter coincided with his appearance. Levi had scampered out of the boat, anxious to be away from the silent man, so different from his father. His uncle had waited in the dinghy as he’d dug the shallow hole.
Several stabs at the sandy ground stirred up the soil. On the eighth try, a metallic thud rewarded his jab. Excitement bubbled through his body, causing him to drop to his knees and paw at the dirt. Eager digging revealed the rusty popcorn tin that Roy had insisted on to encase his memory project. His initial attempts to pry the lid off failed due to the waterproof caulking that sealed the it. He’d have to take it with him.
Images of the woman who managed to weasel her way into his uncle’s affections grew as he carried the tin to the boat. The woman took the form of a fifty-ish gold digger whose best years were behind her. Her hair would be an unnaturally bright and her voice rough from chain smoking.