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Prizes for random commenters. An eBook set of Rebel Heart series books including Undercover Rebel, Rebel Bride, Rebel Heartsong and Escaping West. Individual books as prizes too.

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The Midnight Confessions of an Addict
Normal, that’s what I look like.
Evan Picone business suit paired with classic 2” pumps
Disguise me as one of the administrative set.
Power lunches and Y membership define me as a new woman.
California wines, Sierra Club card, and a Honda Hybrid give
the appearance of political correctness,
but secretly I am an addict.
I twist restlessly in my chair while checking the clock.
Two more hours to go before the weekend starts,
I only indulge on Fridays, my form of discretion and reward.
Cheryl, my boss, asks about my weekend plans.
I mumble laundry, housework and a new foreign flick.
She shakes her head despairingly.
Dare I say, “I’m an addict and tonight I get my fix.”
I lay the blame on Margaret Mitchell and the school librarian.
My mother suspected, but did nothing.
I see fellow junkies in the mall clutching small sacks reverently to their bosoms.
Whispering of delights hidden inside the bookstore,
With their eyes widened in anticipation.
That’s right, I’m a romance addict!
I’ll admit I buy books where I cover the cover.
The heroes are too handsome, too sexy and too witty to be real.
The heroines are exotically beautiful, clever and slip out of their clothes amazingly well.
Mean girls in period costumes create conflict
While the heroine keeps faith in her man.
In the end, they live happily ever after.
How can thinking women consume it?
No only like it, but crave it.
It’s heady stuff.
Where else can a girl with brains, beauty and a smart comeback line hook the man, the title and the estate?
She has no bad hair days, no flat tires or dead cell phones.
Never doubts the sexual orientation of her hero.
Historical romance is the preferred drug of this romance addict.

Kitty Hamilton is unsure how her life got so out of control. The unexpected deaths of her parents earned her a berth at her embittered aunt’s home. Her latest beau abandoned her, which made the prospect of leaving town appealing.
Her version of leaving didn’t include fleeing town dressed like a man, but circumstances dictate otherwise. Kitty becomes Kit to throw the law off her trail. As the pretend brother to her best friend Harriet, she accompanies her friend out west to her contracted bridegroom.
They encounter Nick Kennedy, flamboyant gambler, who takes an interest in the odd couple. Kitty enjoys the freedom her disguise allows, but she abandons any hope of attracting the handsome Nick Kennedy. Revealing her gender, might snag her a chance at the elusive gambler, but could also land her in prison. She keeps telling herself he isn’t worth it, but she’s not entirely convinced.
Excerpt Setup: Kitty takes off in the night with Nick's saddle bags when a suspicious man enters the bar and threatens Nick. In her impulsive flight, she falls into deep hole. The scene opens with Nick attempting to rescue Kitty.
Why did she do such an impulsive, stupid thing? She knew why even if she didn't want to admit it was something in his kisses. Then there was his voice, low, intimate calling her name.
“Kit, where are you?”
She could even hear it as if he was nearby. Amazing, Kitty shook her head bemused until she heard the voice again.
Her imagination must be working overtime. Duke nickered loud and hard. She started to tell him to hush when she heard boot steps on the gravel. Freezing in place, Kitty strained to hear the approaching footsteps.
"Kitty, it's me, Nick. Where are you?"
Letting go of the breath she'd been holding, Kitty took another breath before calling out. "I'm over here in the hole. Be careful."
"I'm coming, sweetheart." He called back, his boot heels scrambling for purchase over the rocks.
He'd called her sweetheart. She sighed then she accidentally put her weight on the wrong foot. "Ouch!"
"What, honey?” Nick called out in a voice that sounded a little closer.
"Hurry," Kitty managed through clenched teeth. He was there before she knew it. Deftly jumping into the hole and wrapping her in his arms, accidentally battering her already savaged ankle.
"Ouch, watch it," she complained.
"I didn't expect undying gratitude, but something like my hero might not be out of line," Nick commented laughingly.
"Thank you, Nick. I am grateful. I hurt my ankle when I fell into the hole." Kitty snuggled into Nick's shoulder appreciative of his warmth and inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of worn leather and clean male.
Nick paced around the small hole with Kitty in his arms. He dragged his boot toe around the edge trying to find a way up or out.
"Well, darling, looks like I am going to have to toss you up," Nick acknowledged.
"What," Kitty squeaked. "Toss me where?"
"I looked, and there seems to be no easy way out of here. It’s up to you. Once you're up, I need you to tie the rope to the saddle horn on Duke's saddle and back him up. Once I get a hold of the rope, pull me up. Can you manage?"
Kitty had her doubts as she felt Nick's voice vibrate through the clothing separating the two of them. In the end, tossing seemed to be her only hope of getting out, and she imagined Nick was a good tosser. Naturally, he would be good at everything.
"Okay, are you ready?" Nick's voice rumbled against her ear.
"I guess. What do I need to do?" Kitty hoped she sounded braver than foolish, scared and half-frozen, except for the part of her touching Nick. He moved closer to the rock face.”
"I’m going to push you up the rock face. Grab on the ledge and I will boost you over. Can you do that?"
"I guess I'll have to if I don't want to freeze to death," Kitty agreed grudgingly, willing herself to do so.
"Good girl," Nick replied a hint of laughter in his voice.
He dropped a brief kiss on Kitty's hair before disengaging her arms from around his neck.
"Feel the wall," he ordered as he put his hands around her waist and lifted her up with a small grunt. Her face flushed as she realized Nick was struggling to lift her. It wasn't as if she was heavy, but she wasn't exactly petite either.
"Grab the lip."
The growled order had Kitty's hands skittering across the rock wall until she finally felt the edge. She put both hands on it and pulled herself up a little. "Got it," she huffed.
"Uhm," Nick managed while putting one hand on Kitty's posterior.
"Hey, watch where you are putting your hand!" Kitty squealed when his large hand covering her butt cheek.
"Honey, it's necessary to get you up," Nick huffed as pushed upward with both hands.
The sudden boost had Kitty up over the lip of the hole. She grabbed for the trailing reins of Duke's bridle. Another shove from below pushed her all the way up.
"Don't remember you kicking up such a fuss last time I touched you," Nick grumbled more to himself than Kitty.
"I can hear you," Kitty hissed back. Pulling herself upright by holding onto the stirrup and moving her hands up the side of the sturdy horse she was able to stand with a minimum of pain.
"Don't forget I'm down here."
Kitty winced as she set her foot gingerly on the ground. "Keep your pants on. I'm getting the rope."
"It's tied onto the pommel," Nick instructed.
"I know. It was practically under my leg the whole ride here," Kitty grumbled wondering why Nick had to ruin a perfectly good moment by being such a know-it-all. Surprisingly, being out in sub-zero weather, inappropriately dressed with a banged up ankle was a good moment. What was she thinking? Of course, Nick came to her rescue, only to kiss her on the hair like a wayward little sister and bark orders like a domineering big brother. Not a good picture, but he did call her sweetheart and honey.

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