Here it is Christmas Eve and everything is supposed to be warm, cuddly and romantic, but what if isn't? What if you suspect your guy's affection is going elsewhere? Find out now, if he's cheating.
Here is your answer. This book is the solution to your problem. This book reveals the secrets that no cheating man wants any woman to know. These are the tricks and tactics that all cheaters use to cheat. After you have read this book you will have a profound understanding of cheating, why it happens, what to do about it, and how to detect it every time. You will learn the secrets of cheaters, and you will never again be a victim of his cheating. This book comes with a cheat detection sheet and even provides an email address to where you can get help with detecting cheating, and it even comes with two bonus chapters for free. Everything that you need to know about cheating is in this book. Don't suffer anymore, and don't wonder anymore. Find out today if he's really cheating.
Don't spend another day sad or depressed! Get the solution to your relationship problems today!
Interested in hearing more? Here am excerpt from the book.
Chapter 2: Why Cheating is Wrong
In order for any relationship to begin it has to be built with trust and respect. It takes a lot of work to earn someone’s trust. It takes a lot of work to earn someone’s respect. There is a lot of proving yourself that has to be done. This is no easy task to accomplish. People who don’t know you have to take a chance on you. They have to take a risk to trust you. This means that the person has to work hard to prove that they’re deserving of that respect. They have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt they are worthy of that trust.
Once a person has your trust and respect it is their responsibility to treasure and take care of that trust. Once trust is gone it is so hard to get it back if you can manage to get it back at all. When a person trusts you there are putting their well being in your hands. They’re operating on faith that you’ll do the right thing for them and by them. They’re expecting you to take care of them in all ways that a love one is supposed to. Trust means reliability in someone’s ability to do what is right by you. When that trust is shattered so is that reliability, that faith, and that security that trust gives.
Cheating is wrong for several reasons. The most obvious of them is the fact that cheating creates and inflicts pain on a person. Betrayal is an emotion that erodes a person’s belief system. It changes how a person sees other people. It changes their mindset. It hinders their freedom to be able to risk and love again. It holds them back from being able to move forward. Most times when a person survives cheating they’re usually unable for a while to get past that pain. For some people they never get past it. It truly changes the way they view and believe in love. This shift in perspective has caused some people to never fall in love again. Some people are so broken that they never are able to fully love anyone ever again.
That person may never fully recover from the pain that cheating has brought into their life. This means that they may never find the person they always wanted to love. Some people become so bitter by cheating that they become cheaters themselves. Their mission in life is to inflict the same kind of pain that was done to them. They believe that this is the way love is, and why should they attempt to change it. They may spend the rest of their life detached from sharing the love they always wanted. This is what cheating does to some people.
Another reason why cheating is wrong is that it destroys families. The horrible pain that is wreaked on the children shapes and molds them into the people they become. They may not be as trusting as they once used to be. They may feel that they don’t deserve love. They may believe no one deserves their love. It can take them decades to sort out what is right and wrong about love. It will take a lot of bad experiences with relationships in order for them to understand. Having to experience the negative effects of cheating can make it difficult for them to find the love that they want and the love they deserve.
Cheating is an act of aggression against you!
Cheating is wrong because it is an act of destruction. It’s an act of aggression. It’s an act of emotional violence on another person. Cheating can destroy in one moment what it has taken decades to create. There have been businesses, families, and organizations that have been took down all because of cheating. Cheating definitely is a very destructive thing. When someone chooses to cheat they’re choosing to be harmful, violent, and aggressive towards you. No matter the reason why they did it. What is so sad about cheating is that the cheater themselves aren’t exempt from the effects. They suffer just as much as the person who was cheated on. Go figure why it continues to happen.
Cheating also robs a person of time. The most precious gift that you can ever give anyone is your time. Those days, months, and years that you have spent dedicated to being loving and giving to someone can never be recovered, and can never be used somewhere else. They are gone forever. Those were moments you could’ve spent with someone who really appreciated you. That is time you could’ve been spent with someone who cherished you enough to not disrespect you like that. Those are years that are gone forever. Who has the right to steal that time from your life for utter nonsense? No one has this right.
There are many other reasons why cheating is wrong. The fact is people have always done it, and probably will continue to do it. The one thing that I do know is that you can’t let someone’s choice to do you wrong affect you negatively for the rest of your life. Always remember that this was a choice that someone else made, and isn’t a reflection of what you deserve. No matter what the reason that person says. Most cheaters will always deflect by saying it was you. The truth is it wasn’t. It was all about that person, because the choice to cheat was their decision.
Chapter 3: Sign 1- Where’s the Respect?
Respect is the foundation of love. Without respect a deep love can’t be created. Respect is a deep admiration for someone’s abilities, qualities, and achievements. Think about it, when you first meet someone you don’t just automatically fall in love with them. No matter how good looking, nice, or charming they may be. As you get to know that person you begin to like that person more and more because of what you come to know of them.
The more their standards and qualities align with yours the more likely you are to admire them. That admiration only grows the more time you spend with that person. Eventually that great admiration turns into respect, and when you have developed respect for that person you can easily fall in love with them. Respect in a relationship lets a person know that you’ll treat them in a manner as to which they treat themselves. This is the reason why you respect them, because you have seen enough proof to know that this person is going to act according to how you would treat yourself. For instance, you may respect a person who doesn’t lie. This happens because you don’t want to be lied to, and you want to surround
yourself with people who have this particular standard about lying. This ensures that their dealings with you will be honest. The fact that you can be comfortable enough to relax, and let your guard down allows you to be more of yourself.
When you can truly participate in a relationship where who you are is completely accepted you can then enjoy that partnership and that person fully. This is how you build trust in a relationship. Trust is a way to let another person know that you’ll always treat them in a certain way. Once a person believes that you have respect for them then there’s an obligation to maintain that standard. You have consented to allow this person to believe this about you, because you didn’t inform them that it wasn’t true. You didn’t tell them that you won’t or will never treat them respectfully. Respect is very powerful no matter what type of relationship you have.
When you have someone’s respect you’re afforded a lot of leeway that most people wouldn’t just instantaneously get. You’re being given these perks, because the belief is that you can be depended upon to do what’s right by that person. This is trust. When you’re trusted you have a responsibility to come through for that person. You have a duty to perform accordingly. Emotions are developed out of the fact that you can be trusted to do what’s best. So one of the first signals that a person usually gets when a person is cheating is a sense of mistrust from the other person.
Since the significant other has made the decision to cheat they’ve already broken that trust. Think about how much of a struggle it is to respect someone you have chosen to disrespect. It’s like serving two masters. From what I’ve been told no one can completely serve both. What tends to happen is that people start to notice the small incidences of disrespect. For instance, they stop listening to you or caring about what you have to say. They may start ignoring or forgetting requests that you make. They start to act in a way that denotes that they have lost some of the respect that they have had for you. How is this a sign of cheating? If there’s no reason for a person to have lost respect for you such as a gross misconduct on your part, a severe misunderstanding, or some scandalous event of your own making then what other reason could there be for someone to all of a sudden start to disrespect what they once so revered.
The reason why disrespect starts to occur is because that person is becoming more aligned with the other person’s qualities. In order for that person to fully integrate into that person’s life they have to invest all their being into that situation. This makes it hard for them to respect the both of you, because he knows he’s betraying you. There’s no way for him to escape that fact. There’s no way that he can hide from that fact. That’s why cheating is done secretly since it’s an absolute betrayal with dire consequences. You cannot openly be so treacherous without having to claim that deceitfulness and disloyalty completely. Most cheaters aren’t ready for that.
Most cheaters try intensely to hide their movement towards the other person. This causes an inner conflict with them. This makes it difficult for them to maintain the normal relationship that they have with you. In order for them to be able to move closer to this person they basically have to wean themselves from the relationship he’s already in. There’s no better way to do this than by slowly distancing yourself from the person you’re with. There’s no better way to fall out of love with someone than by finding reasons to disrespect them and the relationship you’re in. You can’t create all of this distance without a valid reason. They may say things like you need to lose weight, or starts pointing out things about you that will make you have less respect for them. This is done in hopes that you’ll give them a reason to leave the relationship.
This makes it easier for them to continue to do what they’re doing.
When disrespect starts to happen out of the blue this is a strong indicator that cheating may be going on. The majority of people know that in order to keep a relationship going there has to be a reciprocation of respect. When the respect starts to diminish there’s always a reason why. If there were no precipitating circumstances that justify the respect dwindling in your relationship; that sudden decline of respect can be a clear sign that cheating is happening with your mate. Remember that respect is the foundation of any relationship without a foundation there’s no relationship. If your significant other is trying to end your relationship there’s no better way to do it than by destroying the foundations your relationship is built on.
5 Subtle Signs of Disrespect from a Cheater:
Nit picking- the cheater finds any little thing they can to make you feel bad about yourself. They always have an endless supply of comments of all the things you do wrong, can’t do right, or need to improve.
Indifference- the cheater just suddenly stops caring about how you feel, your needs, and your wants. When you make them aware of this they could care less about you being happy in the relationship. You just seem to be less important than what you used to be.
Forgetfulness- yes, people can be forgetful about things sometimes, but a cheater just never seems to remember anything that you may need them to do. They can’t make it to that important event, they can’t remember to keep promises they’ve made to you, and they aren’t sorry for it either.
Silence- all of sudden your partner doesn’t have much to communicate with you about these days. You can’t ask them a single question without them getting upset about it. Everything you say is an irritant to them. They make a special effort to avoid contact and conversation with you completely.
Preoccupation- the cheater for some odd reason always has something better to do. They never want to go anywhere with you, because this thing or this person is more of a priority. They don’t want to spend any quality time with you because they’re too tired, or backed up with work to complete. Your cheater always has something that they’re preoccupied with that makes it hard for them to be with you.